Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Yes, I am forwarding on.  My life is "what it is" and I am beginning to think that His Purpose is to share this journey with those who need it.

I was called by the nurse to come in the lab at approximately 7:20am.  She was a very kind lady and looked to be about 15 years younger than I.  She asked me some questions about my PIIC line and my surgeries.  And while we were talking, she suddenly said  "My parents are so ill, I am a nurse, I should be able to fix them!"  Her eyes were full of tears!  I started to share with her a little more, she wondered how concerned I was about my life and the diagnosis.  My response was that we never know when our "last day here on earth" will be.  Each day is a gift!

 I shared with her the death of my mother by suicide, unexpectedly when I was 9 years old, the sudden death of my father, also unexpectedly in a car accident, the additional sudden deaths of my sister, my brother, and my daughter.  And then I told her about my NDE experience in Heaven where I got to see all of them, but was told, I had to come back.  It was not my time!  She shared a similar story, a dear friend of hers had shared, that sounded very much the same.

Then I told her, about Jesus, and why He loved us so much he died for us, so that when we die here on earth, this is not all there is....we have an Eternal Home to go to.  All He asks is that we accept Him for His gift of eternal life.  Love Him and honor Him in sharing that Love with others.  We prayed together.  As her tears fell so heavily, she looked at me and said, "I was meant to see you today".  I said, "we" were meant to see each other that day!  His Purpose, through all of these medical issues, even if it is just one person to help along the way....it is so worth every day of pain or suffering that I have experienced.  (but I must be honest, I have had very little pain or suffering)

We met with the Dr.  He had received all of the new MRI's, CT's, and reports from Sarasota. My speech sounded so much better to him.  He spoke with my husband as well asking questions about my last craniotomy.  In review, this should be my last appointment for blood work to determine any other type of disease other than IHCP.  His remarks were, it will probably remain "idiopathic".  Although, I have not received all of the information from this last testing as yet, I recalled what Dr. Hanel had said to me before.  His comment was "we may never know what this is".

I am feeling more comfortable in this rare "idiopathic" disease.  The comfort is actually understanding His Purpose for all of this.  I had studied to be a missionary in Bible College right after high school.  I made some choices that changed so much of my journey.  Looking back, He still used those times to teach me and strengthen me along the way to "now".  This is where He wants me to be!  I am sure of that.  Whatever limitations this disease has in store, I will gratefully deal with them.  I know He is guiding me through it!

Yesterday, was my appointment with Neurologist, Dr. Patrick Madden.  This doctor is so "up to date" when it comes to process!  He was at the hospital for me on this last craniotomy.  He has watched and cared for my well-being continually.  I have learned there are a great deal of "unknowns" out there...and many others are dealing with them as well.  This is not the only "idiopathic" form of disease.  I will continue to keep myself apprised in the "knowing of Jesus", He is omniscient! (He is all knowing!!)

Status at this time:
1.Speech is much better, aphasia is not as strong/word retrieval issues still remain
2.Hearing in left ear is better, however the constant tinnitus remains continually in both ears.
3. Incision is healing very well
4. Migraine/Headaches now and again, take Advil or Motrin OTC 
    (the natural treatment is Vit B6 and Ginger...very helpful!)
5. Double vision remains "vertically " .
6. Sporadic "sinus bradycardia" upon tests
7. IgM remains abnormally high
8. AST , Uric Acid Serum,Mean Corpuscular Hgb Conentration,and Alpha 2 Globulin still slightly elevated
9. Energy level needs some work...will start to exercise at the gym again, only on the cycle to remain steady
10.Keppra is still 500mg's twice per day (no further seizures for over 6 months, permitting me to drive again)
11.Light continues to be bothersome, especially lights at night with the double vision is bad, so will not drive at night time.
12.Noticeable extreme dizziness when leaning over or standing in one place 
13. BP=102/64, HR=53
14.And of course I still treat my Celiac Disease with GF foods

After discussion and testing, Dr. Madden, gave me a copy of parts of his book he is writing. I am enthralled and can't wait to see more.  
I took one year of Latin in school, I thought I would bring words that Jesus said in that language.  "Via, Veritas, Vita"  (remember the V's in Latin are pronounced like W's)  John 14:6 Thomas said to Jesus, Lord, we do not know where you are going.  How can we know the way?  Jesus said to him; ("Via,Veritas,Vita"); "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life..."   I am moving forward, knowing where He is!!


  1. I am so blessed that we have connected on line and that you are a part of my journey. I am here for you and will keep you in my heart and prayers. Thank you so much for sharing with me <3

    1. Thank you Bonnie!! I am so deeply grateful for all the prayers that have "lifted me"!! I do believe that is His design...keeping me from feeling very little intense pain in all of this. You are also in my thoughts and prayers....His Purpose in All things!!
