Thursday, July 24, 2014


 His guiding Light that brings so many of those who "shine" with Him; do you really believe? I do more than ever!  Those moments in time; that were brought during my "Spirited Adventure" are His omnipresence!  How would we know... without His leading us..... to hear and see at just the right moments?

"He Lights up my Life"!

**** Explanation from my Heart...My Testimony given as a student when part of our Choral Group that travelled to so many places from Southwestern (Bible) College.****

Many of my colleagues will remember my testimony as given years ago, and the "one" closest to my spirit via His Spirit, He used his child, Keitha Story Stephenson... At the age of 16, my life had become tangled and full of darkness.  I did spend many nights at my window...contemplating my own suicide...I missed my mother so much...troubles were left and right...and I was at the very end.  I called my friend, Keitha who had been so caring through this troublesome time.  I was already starting to cut my veins...I cried, telling her that I just could not go please forgive me, I was giving up.  She cried too.  She started reading the Bible to me, John 3:16 "For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son....", and then she told me how much He loved me...that no one else would ever love me more!  And His Spirit entered mine...when I prayed with Keitha, praying for Him to forgive me and take over my life. I realized this was His Truth!  He loved me!!
John 14:6  "Je suis le chemin, la vérité et la vie»
 He saved me for eternity and no one would ever pull me away from Him!  He consoled my heart and helped me understand my mother's suicide...and why she had to leave me....but this was not His plan for me! HE lights up my life continually and fills my heart with His "song"!  I am His child...He will take me Home in His timing...

His light was shining during my day at Baptist Hospital/Lyerly Neurosurgery.  First time meetings and interaction with those who "touched my life" this day:
Beth, Nathaniel, Yvette, Ryan, Meagan, Gail, Shannon, Michael, and Dr. Allen - they are in my prayers, knowing some needful times are ahead. With new plans forthcoming, I will see them again, soon.

Seeing my nurse, Holly, again was amazing!  She said something to indicate that I probably did not remember her.  I smiled at her saying of course I did.  It was not my favorite moment, I will admit.  The timing was when a Cisternogram had been ordered to check for a CSF leak, and Holly was so concerned for me.  She gave us her personal phone number if there were any problems for the immediate and interjected test.  I now hugged her, to thank her for all her special support, even though it was so painful at the time.  She knew.

I met a very special woman, Barbara Hurlbert CMPE!  It was a surreal moment when I saw her just walking through the hallway where I was.  Even though I had never met her before, I had read about her on the Lyerly website.  Before I could stop myself...I said this aloud, and she heard me.  She stopped, looked at me, and then we were in communication.  My speech is still in that aphasia place, but she didn't mind.  We had a lovely sharing about Dr. Hanel.  Yes, he is very well loved and known, by so many in this world, and I am certain..... "on the other side...our Home in Heaven".

There are plans ahead to take me to Jacksonville for awhile.  More treatment of the infection involving my temporal bone is needed.  After meeting with Dr. Allen via the expertise of Dr. Hanel and the amazing interactions of timing allowed by our is needed.  Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is on the plan along with another PIIC line to be inserted.  The HBOT is a very" specialty guided" area and is only approved for certain medical needs.  According to Dr. Allen/Wound Care Physician, mine should apply.  (he is a licensed HBOT doctor)  We are awaiting the approval for this.

Dr. Hanel and I regarded much of the latest medical reports that were sent to him.  There were many areas I had questioned....he had the answers. Always amazed...never surprised.  My speech and word retrieval issues makes it difficult to say what I want to say...he is patient, kind, and understanding, through it all.  Perhaps, the most important words are not even available, or do not exist.  My heart, soul, and spirit, through prayer, will say what is needed.  The words "thank you" are not enough! Merci beaucoup, mon ami!

So it seems, this "adventure" is to continue.  He is guiding this process, I am sure.  Through His Guiding Light, those newly met "kindred spirits", and my precious family and friends prayers, we will continue to work on His Purpose in healing.

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