Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Dr. Patrick J. Madden of Sarasota, Fl is my new neurologist, closer to home.  He is very informed about IHCP and Celiac Disease, which made me feel comfortable. Our appointment was over 2 hours.  He read my tumor biopsy with us and explained some information we had not understood before.  While reading he paused a moment and said, "This is not only rare, but very very rare."  Okay...I have never been known to do anything "half baked", guess this fits!

During my physical check, he noted that I had a migraine.  Really?  I had no idea.  I thought you had to have a very painful headache.  So, I learned something new:


This common condition manifests itself in a number of ways, most of which involve some degree of ophthalmological problem.
  • Visual aura - occurs in 99% of migraines with aura (typical and prolonged) as well as in retinal migraines which are characterised by recurrent monocular visual disturbance ± various types of scotoma. Visual disturbances are also the hallmark of ocular migraines or acephalic migraines (those without headaches).
  • Diplopia - transient paralysis of III, IV or VI may occur during ophthalmoplegic migraines and may go on for days or weeks. These are rare and recovery is full.
I have vertical double vision. When tested at the Mayo Clinic by an opthamologist, he stated it is called monocular.  So, now I get it. One huge advantage to seeing double is, instead of seeing one star, I get to see two! 

When Dr. Madden had me perform the walk test, I got "dizzy".  He asked me if I felt the room was dizzy or if I was...I was.  He then said this is a type of vertigo and had me stop the test.  He asked me about my exercise program, and I told him I just use the cycle, so I will not fall if dizzy.  He liked that answer.

We talked about my speech issues.  At first he was not understanding what was causing my halting speech, and he said he guessed that is one reason my speech pathologist had me meet him.  We are still working on this.

So, about my flying in a plane.  Dr. Madden said, the cabin pressure could possibly cause a migraine.  The natural alleviation would include non-milk chocolate and coffee.  Need I say how much I love this type of prescription!

To assist my autoimmune issues with my speech, he has recommended Ginger tablets and Vitamin B6.  Also, I am to eat tuna twice a week for the Omega 3 build up.  I love natural dispenses, makes life much easier than all of the prescription drug side effects.  Besides, being a Celiac, I am accustomed to changing my diet appropriately.

Dr. Madden also sent me home with several "use at home" help sheets.  These include subjects, like Migrane 101, Sleep Sheets, and many on-line tools to use for Research.  Here are a couple:


I have lots to read up on!!

This is a very good place to be and I am so thankful.  I really miss not having Dr. Hanel and his nurse.  I know that Kim would have loved being a part of this with me too.

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